Wild Frontier Productions

To make films which are bold, uncompromising, provocative, and original. Imbued with the challenges of the human condition and modern man’s search for his soul
See more of our work and what’s coming next:

Feature Film The Spoiler is available for rent or purchase here.

Coming Soon

Wild Frontier Productions

Thin, Brittle, Mile

Every man’s final journey is always the journey home.

Drawn from our veterans’ personal experiences, Thin, Brittle, Mile is the story of a soldier going through his greatest battles on his return home.

Read Synopsis 

Watch our veterans speak about the importance of their story being told

Listen to an except of Simon Callow narrating the AudioMovie of Thin, Brittle, Mile

Age of Decent

There goes the child.  There stands the man.

Age of Descent is a poignant and powerful drama about the knife crime epidemic and other issues of hostility and discord, as told through the eyes of five ordinary teenagers and their young teacher, at an average suburban school.

Read Brochure 

Drowning Room Only

One place.  Eight Lives.  Three Nights.  No Walls.

The first UK based feature to be made under the Ricia-Ann Agreement as a launch vehicle for The World Film Movement.

Watch Teaser

Read Synopsis 

No Visible Scars

An ugly story.  About the naked truth.

The first US based feature to be made under the Ricia-Ann Agreement as a launch vehicle for The World Film Movement.

Read Synopsis 

The Strongest Among Us

The stories of quiet heroes never gave up.  With photographs from a soldier who never will.

A documentary and book embodying the triumph of the human spirit.

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The Only

Love, Obsession, Possession

To imbed the Joining Forces Campaign in the wider film industry and promote the benefit of veterans working in film The Only leads the way for the Glass Darkly set of films.

Read more about The Only and other Glass Darkly films 


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